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Life Coaching

Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone.

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a process
A trusting relationship between a client and a certified coach. The aim is similar to the coaching, most of us are familiar with, of athletes or game players – to tap into one’s full potential, to reach and exceed one’s goals. It is a proven fact, that to get to the top of their abilities, athletes chose to hire a professional who guides them through the process, gives new perspective and encourages along the way. Many almost fully devote their success to their coaches, claiming it would be hard to achieve those heights in their professional career if it was not for them.

Maybe you are not aiming to set a new Olympic record in a high jump or a hummer throw, but want to have a successful professional and personal life. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have someone help you get where you want to go, to have a life you chose for yourself? Life coaches can do that! Life coaching can assist you with virtually any aspect of your life.

We all experience difficulties, obstacles or life circumstances that might hold us back in reaching our dreams. Life coaches believe that every person has answers to all of their troubles. Through tested set of skills including listening, using intuition, building trusted relationship with a client, giving supportive feedback, and most importantly asking the right questions, life coaches help clients to unfold and discover the solutions to their problems. Together with the coach, clients form an objective view of where they are right now, where they want to go and how to get there. Once action plan is created and implemented, it is time to celebrate the victories!

What Life Coaching is NOT?

Life coaching is NOT the same as therapy or counselling!
Life coaches do not operate under a medical model where they see clients or ‘patients’ as dysfunctional or in need to be ‘fixed’. Unlike therapist who focus on the past and try to discover what causes the problem, life coaches focus on the present and believe that a client is fully capable to produce the solutions. The focus is on now and what needs to be done to create a better tomorrow. It follows the model ‘present- future’, not ‘past – that’s is why your present as it is – that’s what your future looks like’. Of course past often matters, but coaches help you discover strategies on how to overcome your dependency on the past events.

Life Coaching is NOT the same as consulting.
Yes, life coaches are professionals, but they do not hold all the answers. You do! They help you discover them, not to give you ready made solutions. They are experts in the field of guidance and asking right questions, while you are the expert in your own life!

Life Coaching is NOT the same as friendship. Life coaches are trained to build rapport with a client. Good coaches do their work with integrity and show their full interest in you and your life. Just like good friends do! Hence, at times you might feel as your coach becomes your best friend and you will not hesitate to share anything about your life. It is important to remember that a coach is a trained professional. It is not about friendly chit chat, but a meaningful conversation that should bring results. Good coach would know when it is time and help you move on to get to the next level.

Why hire a Life Coach?

Everyone has their own life agenda and reasons for doing certain things. Best answer to the question on why should you hire a coach is that you simply want more in life. Maybe you are not yet sure what it is you are aiming for, but certain what you have now is not good enough. Consider the following scenarios and determine if any are applicable to you.

  • done_allYour confidence level is not what you wish it to be.
    You have a dream, big goals or just a desire to get more in life. Deep inside you know you deserve it, but something is holding you back. Maybe it is fear you might fail? Or worry people will judge you? We all believe we require the external support to stimulate and motivate us to action. The reality is we are our strictest judges and if we do not find the internal courage and confidence, no one else will be able to prove us we are worthy. Our personal beliefs dictate what actions we will take next. Life coach helps you discover those and replace any negativity that you might carry in your mind with beliefs that will benefit your self-esteem and your future.

  • done_allYou are not sure what you really want in life or you want so much that you don’t know what to do with it.
    Generally people know what the ‘ideal them’ would be like: rich, running own business, helping people in need or anything you can think of. Often many do not know where to start to turn their dreams into reality. Life coaches help you identify what your goals are and set priorities to help you get where you truly want to be.

  • done_allYour life is about to change and you feel tremendous pressure on how to cope with it .
    It is a life paradox that people are always seeking certainty but often get irritated if things stay exactly the same. Sometimes life calls us for a big decision, huge transition in order to enhance what we already have or start something brand new. It can be new career, relocation to a new place or change in your relationship status. Generally any change will hold a degree of uncertainty, fear, and huge will to talk things over and over. Friends and family are always there for it, but how much can they really take? Is it fair to overwhelm them with the same conversations that might lead to more confusion? Life coach will help you talk things out and come up with a clear plan of action.

Are you ready to be coached?

It is important to understand that while life coaching is suitable for almost every person and any situation, there is a certain prerequisite to success of the process. It is your own willingness to get coached and desire to improve and grow as a person. It would be unfair to ask from the very beginning to have full dedication and belief in coaching, but what is required is your understanding, open mind, enthusiasm and will to change. If someone is not willing to make any adjustments, try new approach or actions, then no amount of coaching will work.

To give you a clearer idea on your readiness for coaching process, we, at Life Vista Coaching, encourage you to take a short quiz, which you can find here (link).

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